Wednesday 28 March 2012

Bake Day March 29th

Hi all!

As I expected to happen, I haven't blogged in a week or so. Sorry! I've been getting ready for my trip and working heaps to get some spending money. I'll try and do a couple more posts on Aussie soil.

Just wanted to update you about my SECOND bake day I'm having this morning. It's all in preparation for my goodbye party I'm having tomorrow night. But I'm working all day, 9-6, tomorrow so I have to try and get stuff done today!!

I'm making scones, biscuits, cupcakes, vodka jelly shots and a cheesecake today!

Let's see if I get it all done!

The cupcakes and cheesecake are packet mixes, to cut corners.

I'm going out at 1.30, then dinner with friends and work 7.30-11.30, so I'm sure I'll sleep like a log tonight!

Anyways, bear with me for some more updates.

Much diamond'y love,
Pam-Ella x

Monday 12 March 2012

Bake Day March 13th

Hello again! So I'm going to let everyone know a silly little secret, when I made this blog last night I was very conscious of the fact that it didn't really have a theme or purpose, but I thought, and this will sound really silly if I stop blogging after five posts/days, that maybe it would inspire/encourage me to be more productive/exciting with my life! Lots of slashes there, sorry.

You see, I finished high school at the end of 2010 (like I stated in my previous post) and ever since then my time has been spent working at the supermarket or spending time with my boyfriend. He is/was my one. But we broke up, two months ago today actually. And ever since then I've been a bit lost, as can be imagined. I've been working soooo much, as much as I can, but other than that I haven't been doing anything constructive.

I don't really have any hobbies, except maybe reading. I do love books. I have a list a mile long of books I want to read. And yet I go to the library and pick more books at random to read! Having said that, please feel free to recommend me any books you've read and loved!

I am currently reading Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann and loving it!

So, my silly little secret is out. But today I did do something productive! Knowing I have work at 3pm, I made some scones, which has been on my to do list for agessssss.

First I got dressed into lounge-around-at-home clothes, grey singlet, Minnie Mouse pyjama shorts and little uggies, had a healthy breakkie - muesli with yoghurt, yum!

This is my work station in the kitchen. I love  for all my recipes. Its Australian, obviously, so I don't have to worry about converting measurements. On the baking tray are my first trial batch of scones! And below...

...Is the finished product! They were quite yummy, although not as light and fluffy as I wished. And they don't really look like scones either... Ah well, they were still yummy!

I want to make a lot of scones and freeze them for my farewell party, since they are a traditional English food, and I've had a few requests for scones, jam and cream anyways! But I shall need to find the perfect recipe. Any suggestions?

I also was in the baking mood so I quickly made some basic shortbread biscuit batter. They are currently in the oven! Pictures to follow next time :)

Baking love!, Pam-Ella  

Hellloooo Diamond Tattoo!!

Hi all! Welcome to my blog Her Diamond Tattoo. This is my first post, where I'm supposed to set up my blog, but I'm not really sure where it will go!

Well here is five facts about me to get us started:

1. I am currently 19, living in Melbourne, Australia.

2. I finished high school at the end of 2010, and instead of going to university I decided to just keep working at my after-school job, in a supermarket, in the deli and on register.

3. I loooooove tattoos and piercings. I currently have two tattoos and eight piercings. Below is another photo of my neck tattoo and the namesake of this blog. If you can't see, it's a bow with a diamond in the middle.


4. I don't have a lot of close friends and the only family I have in Australia is my Mum and little brother... 

5. ...Which leads me to the main reason I wanted to start a blog; I am going to live with my Auntie and cousin in England on the second of April this year! I'm so excited yet scared...

If you have any advice for flying on your own, please leave me your words of wisdom!
That's all for my first post, but stay tuned - please?
