Monday 12 March 2012

Hellloooo Diamond Tattoo!!

Hi all! Welcome to my blog Her Diamond Tattoo. This is my first post, where I'm supposed to set up my blog, but I'm not really sure where it will go!

Well here is five facts about me to get us started:

1. I am currently 19, living in Melbourne, Australia.

2. I finished high school at the end of 2010, and instead of going to university I decided to just keep working at my after-school job, in a supermarket, in the deli and on register.

3. I loooooove tattoos and piercings. I currently have two tattoos and eight piercings. Below is another photo of my neck tattoo and the namesake of this blog. If you can't see, it's a bow with a diamond in the middle.


4. I don't have a lot of close friends and the only family I have in Australia is my Mum and little brother... 

5. ...Which leads me to the main reason I wanted to start a blog; I am going to live with my Auntie and cousin in England on the second of April this year! I'm so excited yet scared...

If you have any advice for flying on your own, please leave me your words of wisdom!
That's all for my first post, but stay tuned - please?



  1. How exciting moving to England! And what better way to document such an exciting adventure! I've never been, so I'm looking forward to your posts and pictures of what its like.


    1. I'm terrified Lauren! But excited too of course. Thankyou, can't wait to start sharing :)
